Note: This app has been deprecated by the publisher, however, you can still download it from this site. You can use it with the limitations listed below, but you can not buy it anymore from the publisher in case it was not free or had a paid version.
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A software update manager to help you keep your software up-to-date
The free version includes almost everything as the paid one Scanning is pretty fast and precise Programs can be added or omitted manually The list of programs is divided into useful subcategories
The program looks old You can search for the latest version only on external websites No way of automating the process, even with the PRO version The scan includes programs you deleted a long time ago
Price: $
Programs released by developers today are often updated in order to fix bugs in previous versions or to introduce new features. However, users who are in a hurry to use a program often skip the update button and start using the program as soon as possible.
Having a tool which would gather all software on your PC and offer to manage new updates would be a cool thing to have and SUMo (Software Update Monitor) offers just that. It offers both a free and a paid PRO version. This review is based on the free version.
It's a software update manager tool which scans all programs installed on your computer and shows which ones are in need of an update, similar to what app stores do on Android and iOS (sort of). It divides the list into three parts: 'OK' in which the programs are up to date, 'Minor' in which the updates for the apps have been released recently, and 'Major' which displays programs which haven't been updated in a while.
Selecting a program to update opens the SUMo website, where you can select an external website to search for the latest version of the program. This is somewhat unfortunate since you still have to download the update manually and there is no way to automate this process. Here you can search for the newest version of the software on Google, MajorGeeks, Softpedia, and KubaDownload. The PRO version allows users to directly navigate to the developers official website, which is not a big upgrade, to be honest.
It should be noted that the scanning process is quite precise but it also displays programs you might have uninstalled a long time ago. You can otherwise easily choose which software to omit from the scan, which is a practical feature. If a program was not found, you can also add it manually. Finally, the tools main usefulness is in that it provides a useful list where you can see what you need to update, but you still have to do the hard work yourself.
Reviewed by Vedin Klovo (editor rating 4 out of 5 stars)